The Limitations of Templated Marketing in Multifamily

By Tori Lewandowski
Custom Website 1

This week, we saw something that really stuck: a high-end development brought in a top-tier creative agency to handle its branding. The work? Absolutely stunning. The onsite execution was flawless—sharp, clean, and beautifully done. You’d see the property and think, “Wow, they nailed it.”

But then, cue the 90’s record scratch. Things went south fast.

Despite the gorgeous branding, the digital footprint took a sharp turn, by using a basic, cookie-cutter template website for their multi-million-dollar property. All that expensive, beautiful branding was instantly undermined by a website that looked like it was built in 2014.

Why? Because while the creative agency nailed the aesthetics, they didn’t specialize in multifamily web design or digital marketing. There was no integration of the right tools, no strategy to attract and convert leads. The result? A disjointed first impression that left prospective renters disappointed before they even stepped foot on the property, making them second-guess all the beautiful branding they had just admired.

And this isn’t a one-off situation—we see it happen all the time. Bad first impressions will cost you leads. Period.

Templates Aren't Cutting it in Multifamily Anymore

Here’s where things always fall apart: property management companies and even some agencies love to push templated services. Branding? Generic. Leasing efforts? Bare minimum. Websites? Same rinse-and-repeat template.

The problem? Every property is unique, and a one-size-fits-all / plug-and-play approach doesn’t work anymore. Multifamily properties need custom GTM strategies that are tailored to their market, demographic, and unique selling points. But most developers don’t realize this until it’s too late—when the marketing plan kicks in just a few months before opening, and you’re left scrambling.

The Trap Developers Fall Into

The worst part? Developers know this system is broken. But they feel trapped. They’ve signed contracts with property management companies and don’t want to rock the boat by bringing in outside experts. PM companies love to sell the “all-inclusive” dream, promising they can handle both property management and marketing under one roof.

But in reality? Developers are stuck with outdated, half-baked strategies from a decade ago that barely move the needle. 

And here’s the thing: a half-baked strategy means a half-full building. 

We see this play out all the time. When the results don’t materialize, the blame game starts—“our marketing is working, but your leasing team isn’t,” versus “we’re getting bad leads because we need better marketing.” Meanwhile, someone else in their market is already approaching stabilization. Why? They invested early in custom strategies that cut through the noise, built demand, and started signing leases long before doors opened.

The Limitations of Templated Marketing Assets 

Templated marketing has serious limitations when it comes to multifamily properties. For one, it makes your property blend in with the hundreds of thousands of properties who've used it in years past rather than stand out. This will undermine all the good work you have put into its creating a truly unique branding. It also diminishes the perceived value of your property—when everything looks the same, renters don’t see the unique benefits your property offers. 

We need to treat each property like a living, breathing thing, with its own personality, rather than just another cog in the “property management” cash machine. Every building is unique and deserves a custom approach that reflects its distinct features and strengths. 

Custom Marketing Applications in "Luxury" Goods 

Let’s break this down. Think about the annual revenue you generate from a single apartment—let’s say it’s $45,000. Now, think about luxury brands like Hermès. One used Hermès handbag can cost anywhere from $45K to $300K. Yes, for a used bag.

Stay with me here.

Now, consider how many handbag brands exist in the world—thousands, right? Now compare that to the number of apartment communities. The competition is fierce in both markets.

So why does Hermès stand out and command such an insane premium? It’s not just the product. They’ve mastered the art of creating value through customized marketing. Everything they do—every touchpoint—is tailored to their brand’s image of craftsmanship, limited availability, and prestige. They’ve built a perception of value that goes beyond the cost of creating the bag itself.

Now, think about your multi-million-dollar development. Shouldn’t it have the same level of attention to detail? When you hear words like craftsmanship, limited availability, and prestige, do templated multifamily websites and over-saturated stock images come to mind?

Because they shouldn’t.

Your property deserves the same kind of tailored, high-end marketing that makes brands like Hermès, Liquid Death, and Porsche irresistible. It’s not about being another "luxury apartments coming soon!" in a sea of new developments—it’s about standing out with custom marketing that reflects the unique value your building. Something templates often imitate, but never equal. 

It’s Time to Ditch Templates and Go Custom

Developers are waking up to the fact that old-school tactics and templated solutions just aren’t cutting it anymore. Yet, there’s still hesitation. Why? Because shaking things up means pushing back on the property management partners they’ve relied on.

Here’s the truth: if your property management company isn’t delivering modern, cutting-edge marketing strategies, it’s time to find someone who will. Developers deserve more than the same cookie-cutter approach. If that means bringing in a specialized GTM partner, do it. Trust me—your bottom line will thank you.

At the end of the day, the goal is simple: do what’s best for the property, the brand, and the developer. And that won’t happen with outdated tactics.

Looking ahead, 2025 will belong to the developers, marketers, and property management companies that are bold enough to break the mold and lean into custom GTM strategies. So, be bold. Demand better. The market is changing fast, and if 2024 has taught us anything, it’s this: get with the times or get left behind.

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