So Your Lease-Up Got Delayed... Now What?

By Tori Lewandowski
Lease Up Wide

Lease-up delays. They happen. 

They’re frustrating, they’re costly, and they can throw off your whole game. But here’s the thing: delays are part of the business, and they don’t have to be dealbreakers. With the right strategy, you can turn them into opportunities to drive even more success. 

How? By being proactive, flexible, and tapping into expert guidance to keep things moving smoothly—because delays don’t define you, your response does.

The Hidden Risks of Lease-Up Delays (and How to Outsmart Them)

Lease-up delays can mess with your cash flow. Every day, your units sit empty; it’s money left on the table. Vacancy costs pile up, and the longer you wait, the more pressure builds to fill those units—which can lead to the leasing team wanting to make deals you’re not totally happy with.

But that’s not all. When delays start stacking up, it impacts your reputation. Word gets around. Suddenly, people are talking about your development being behind schedule, and that makes potential tenants hesitate. They want to sign on with confidence, not with questions. You see where this is going? One delay leads to another, and the ripple effects are real.

Plan Early, Win Big

You know the saying: “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.”

That’s especially true when it comes to lease-ups. The sooner you plan, the better. The goal here is to generate demand and build excitement before you’re even ready to start leasing. That way, when those doors finally open, there’s a line of tenants eager to get in.

Your secret weapon is marketing—branding your project in a way that gets people talking well in advance. Even if the timeline shifts, if you’ve laid the groundwork, you’ve built trust and maintained interest. Keep engaging with your potential tenants so they stay excited, even if there’s a delay.

And don’t forget to prepare for bumps along the road. Have a Plan B (and C). Whether that’s tweaking your messaging, communicating openly with tenants, or adjusting your marketing to match new timelines, flexibility is the name of the game.

Lean on Experts Who’ve Seen It All

One way want to minimize lease-up delays: surround yourself with the right people.

When you’ve got a team that’s navigated hundreds of these situations, you’ve got an advantage. These pros understand how to juggle construction schedules, tenant expectations, and shifting market dynamics.

They’re able to spot issues early and solve them before they spiral out of control. Whether it’s identifying red flags in a construction timeline or fine-tuning your marketing to match the moment, an experienced team knows how to pivot fast and keep you on track.

And when the delays come? They know how to spin it. Great marketers know how to shift the narrative and sell the long-term value of your project. They’ll also find ways to incentivize tenants to stick with you, even when the timeline gets fuzzy.

Turning Delays Into Your Next Power Play

Let’s get real—lease-up delays aren’t fun. But they don’t have to be a disaster. In fact, with the right approach, they can become your next big opportunity.

If the delay is due to construction, why not use it to build buzz? Show off progress through behind-the-scenes content, social media updates, or direct emails to potential residents. People love to see a project come to life. Transparency builds trust, and keeping your audience engaged throughout the process can keep them on board for the long haul.

This extra time is also your chance to rethink strategy. Has the market shifted? Could your pricing or lease terms use an update? Being adaptable could land you even better results than you originally anticipated.

Bottom Line: Delays Aren’t Your Downfall—They’re Your Comeback

Look, lease-up delays happen to the best of us. But they don’t have to derail your project. With some solid planning, smart risk mitigation, and an expert team guiding you, you can navigate these challenges without breaking a sweat. The key? Stay flexible, stay proactive, and keep the momentum going.

Delays? They’re a rhythm of the business. But how you handle them—that’s what sets the winners apart. 

Use every delay as a chance to refine, improve, and come out stronger. Successful lease-ups are about about staying ahead of the curve, and with the right approach, you’ll always be one step ahead.

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