Outdated Emails Are Costing You Renters—Here's How to Fix It

By Tori Lewandowski
Aronson Email Wide

Email marketing, once a surefire way to communicate with residents and prospects, has lost its way in many multifamily communities. 

The inbox has become an overcrowded space, and generic, uninspired emails are being ignored. As the digital footprint widens, it’s clear that cookie-cutter email campaigns—those packed with pixelated images and irrelevant content—are no longer effective. They fail to resonate with today’s renters, and worse, they reflect poorly on the brand behind them.

In multifamily, the stakes are particularly high. With over 4 billion daily email users globally, and 109 million renters in the U.S. alone, email remains a critical touchpoint in the resident experience. Yet, despite its potential, poorly executed email strategies are doing more harm than good.

Outdated Emails Are Sabotaging Your Brand

There’s an inherent disconnect when a luxury multifamily building with state-of-the-art amenities and thoughtful interiors is represented by low-quality, templated, boring, outdated email campaigns. A generic mass email doesn’t just go unnoticed—it screams indifference. 

And that’s a perception no property worth millions of dollars can afford.

Emails that are poorly designed and not segmented to the right audience fail to drive the engagement that multifamily communities need, especially in pre-leasing. Prospects looking for personalized experiences and residents expecting convenient digital interactions are left disappointed. These cookie-cutter emails are a wasted opportunity, especially when modern email marketing techniques, like segmentation and personalization, can increase open rates and click-throughs by significant margins.

For example, segmented emails can drive 30% more opens and 50% more clickthroughs than mass blasts. So why do many multifamily marketers still rely on outdated practices? The reality is, sending a one-size-fits-all message to every resident is more likely to result in an unsubscribe than a lease renewal.

Now, at this point, you may be thinking, "how do I fairly segment a multifamily email list?" Try hot, warm, and cold leads. Would you send the same open house invite to a hot lead that you'd send to someone who hasn't engaged in weeks? No! A cold lead may need more encouragement, more inviting language, more of a "follow-back" and less of a "just following up" for the sixth time!

Quality Over Quantity: The Value of Relevance

One of the biggest mistakes marketers make is prioritizing volume over relevance. In a bid to stay top of mind, many communities send 2-3 emails a day, overwhelming residents without offering any real value. In a world where inbox fatigue is real, the focus needs to shift from quantity to quality.

The goal should be to send fewer but more relevant, personalized emails. Email campaigns that are informed by analytics and tailored to the needs of specific resident segments drive much higher engagement. Testing different versions, refining based on data, and focusing on content that matters to your residents—these are the strategies that lead to better ROI.

It’s no longer just about reminders and notifications; it’s about offering content that resonates. Whether it’s a personalized renewal offer or a community event invitation, emails need to be designed with the recipient’s needs in mind. When done right, this approach can strengthen your brand and make your community stand out from the rest.

Design and Interaction Matter

In today’s fast-paced digital world, email design plays a huge role in its effectiveness. Residents are used to sleek, interactive experiences on their smartphones, and they expect the same from their email inbox. Forget static templates and low-resolution images—emails need to be dynamic, interactive, and mobile-optimized.

Your emails should feel like an extension of your property’s brand, reflecting the modern, premium living experience your community offers. More than that, they should be actionable. Residents should be able to renew leases, book maintenance requests, or RSVP to events with just a single click. Anything less is a missed opportunity in a world where convenience drives engagement.

The Future of Multifamily Email Marketing

The potential of email marketing in the multifamily sector is undeniable. A well-crafted, branded email can drive renewals, fill vacancies, and strengthen a community’s sense of connection. Yet, despite the power of this medium, too many communities are stuck in the past, relying on outdated strategies that no longer cut through the digital noise.

It’s time to recognize that generic, uninspired email marketing is not just ineffective—it’s detrimental. Multifamily marketers must embrace the tools available to them: personalized content, segmentation, and innovative design. With attention spans shrinking and inboxes overflowing, email campaigns need to stand out more than ever.

Don’t Be Just Another Email

In today’s competitive market, bland email campaigns are no longer enough. The communities that win will be the ones that craft personalized, dynamic, and visually engaging email experiences that offer real value to their residents. Multifamily developers must evolve or risk losing out on valuable prospects and residents. With the right strategy, email marketing can drive higher open rates, better engagement, and stronger relationships with residents.

Now’s the time to ask yourself: is your email marketing cutting through the noise, or are you just another email in a crowded inbox?

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