How to Accelerate Your Multifamily Lease-Up and Hit 4x ROI

By Tori Lewandowski
ROI marketing Wide

Imagine this: You’re standing on the rooftop of your brand-new multifamily development. It’s late afternoon, and the sun is casting a warm glow over the city skyline. You’ve poured months—no, years (and millions of dollars)—into this project.  The design, the amenities, and every last detail were crafted with your future residents in mind. 

But there’s one problem.

The units are empty. Leasing hasn’t made any progress, and the clock is ticking. Every day that passes without leases signed is money lost. 

Sound familiar? 

This is the reality too many developers face when they wait too long to launch a lease-up strategy. But it doesn’t have to be this way. With the right plan in place—starting from day one—you can go from empty units to a 4x return on investment faster than you ever thought possible. This week, we're digging into our blueprint for how you can design a lease-up strategy that gets the job done and works harder than your competition.

Start Early. Like, Yesterday.

The key to winning the lease-up game is starting before you think you need to. Most developers wait until the property’s almost done to start marketing. By that point, it’s too late to build real momentum. You want to have potential residents buzzing about your project *way* before the first unit is ready to show. So, lay the groundwork early—like before that first shovel hits the dirt. It’s all about making sure that when you’re ready, the market is too.

Why You Need a Rock-Solid Go-To-Market Strategy

Here’s where most developers go wrong: they rely on scattered marketing tactics, hoping something will stick. That approach? It’s a cash burner and doesn’t deliver the results you need to hit your financial goals. What you need is a Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy that aligns every single part of your project—marketing, leasing, branding—into one seamless plan. We’re not guessing here; we’re executing a well-thought-out strategy that drives leads, converts them into leases, and delivers results that make your investors smile.

The Building Blocks of a Winning GTM Strategy

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to GTM. It’s about creating a custom plan tailored to your specific project, market, and target audience. But there are some non-negotiables you need to have in place to knock it out of the park.

1. Target resident psychographics, behaviors, wants and needs persona analysis.

Who’s your ideal resident? And no, I don’t mean just age or income level. We’re talking about their lifestyle, their motivations, their psychographics, Get into their heads. Once you know what makes them tick, you can tailor everything—your messaging, your visuals, even the amenities you promote—to hit their sweet spot.

2. Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

In a sea of options, why should they choose you? Your UVP needs to be crystal clear. Is it the killer location? The amenities that scream “luxury”? Or maybe it’s the world-class service that no one else offers. Whatever it is, it has to speak directly to your target audience and make you the obvious choice.

 3. Brand Positioning & Messaging

You’re not just leasing apartments—you’re selling a lifestyle. Your brand needs to resonate with the people you’re trying to attract. And it’s not just about logos or fancy brochures. It’s about consistent messaging that tells your property’s story and connects with your future residents across every single channel.

4. Activation & Awareness Playbook

Here’s where you build the hype. The moment your project breaks ground, your activation strategy should be in full swing. This is where you create buzz, build anticipation, and get those early inquiries rolling in—before you even have a finished product to show.

5. Demand Generation Playbook

Don’t let your marketing dollars evaporate. You need a focused plan that brings in high-quality leads without blowing your budget. The goal here is to get qualified prospects who are already excited about your project. Control your cost per lead while driving serious interest.

6. Nurturing Playbook

Don’t lose leads after the first contact. Today’s renters need to be nurtured—through follow-ups, personal touches, and content that builds trust. This is where you turn that initial curiosity into a signed lease by showing them exactly why your property is their best option.

7. Organic Marketing Playbook

Paid ads can get the ball rolling, but an organic content strategy is what’s going to keep that momentum. Blog posts, social media, community events—this is how you position your property as the must-have lifestyle brand that people want to be a part of.

8. Leasing Enablement Playbook

Marketing brings them in, but leasing closes the deal. The biggest breakdown in a lease-up? Lack of coordination between marketing and leasing teams. This playbook ensures everyone is aligned, feedback loops are in place, and no lead slips through the cracks.

The ROI Foundation

Look, a lease-up isn’t just about getting people in the door. It’s about creating long-term value for your property and hitting that 4x ROI. Every part of your Go-To-Market strategy—from defining your target audience to seamlessly aligning your leasing and marketing teams—plays a critical role in making sure that happens. 

When done right, you’re not just hitting numbers; you’re building a brand that creates loyal residents and drives consistent cash flow.

Strategy > Tactics

You can’t rely on random acts of marketing and hope for success. The real winners in multifamily leasing are the ones who invest in a solid, well-coordinated strategy. It’s about playing the long game—setting your property up for fast lease absorption, sustainable growth, and a serious return on investment. That’s how you go from just another development to a standout success in the market. 

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